Saturday, April 13, 2013

Peanut Butter Power

Ok, first things first.

Mandatory Poll

How do you pronounce Reeses?

A. Obviously, it's REE-SEES.
B. It's REE-SIZ, duh.

Responses accepted in comment form.

Ok, it's really not that important. But somebody (*cough* Zach *cough*) keeps making fun of me for saying it "wrong" so I'm curious as to how everyone else says it!

My friend Katy and I really enjoy peanut butter. We splurged before our trip to Pucon and bought a jar of peanut butter to make sandwiches -- opening that jar was the most glorious moment of the whole trip (or at least pretty close to it). But you know what's even better than peanut butter? Peanut butter mixed with CHOCOLATE. So, you know, kinda like Reeses!

Unfortunately, Reeses are just not a thing in Chile. We literally have not been able to find any -- and it's usually possible to find most US candy down here, even if it is really expensive. But for some reason, we can't find Reeses! It's been quite upsetting, but we've been coping by eating ungodly quantities of ice cream, cookie dough, and manjar (sometimes all together). We tell ourselves that our metabolisms are still running on full power after climbing that volcano, so naturally we're just taking advantage of it, as any reasonable person would.

So all of this backstory leads us to this afternoon, which found Katy and I desperately combing the supermarket for some ice cream. Today was an important day -- Katy has been converting me into a Doctor Who addict, and today we began season two, with the wonderful David Tennant. If anyone has made it through the first through episodes of season two and still not proclaimed an undying love for this show, then they're obviously not trying hard enough and probably have poor taste.

"You want weapons? We're in a library. Books are the best weapon in the world. This room's the greatest arsenal we could have. Arm yourself!"

How could anyone not love this show. 

Moving on! So as I explained before, we had big plans for this afternoon.

The Plan

1. Buy ice cream, preferably chocolate.
2. Make cookie dough.
3. Eat and watch Doctor Who.
4. Rinse and repeat.

We were pleased to find a tub of chocolate ice cream at a moderately cheap price. Then we dropped the tub of chocolate ice cream for ice cream with peanut butter swirls. We proclaimed that life clearly could not get any better than this.

Then we saw it.

Decadent Fudge Tracks: chocolate ice cream with chocolate fudge ribbon and mini peanut butter cups.

Peanut butter cups. 

We nearly started crying in the middle of the grocery store. We practically skipped home -- it was all we could do to put it away in the freezer while we made cookie dough and began planning our end-of-semester trip (we did have some work to do before the magic began). At long last, it was time. We hovered around the stove and Katy slowly peeled back the lid. The top was a smooth layer of chocolate goodness, interrupted at times by a hint of chocolate ribbon. And there it was, in the bottom right corner -- the edge of a peanut butter cup.

I was allowed to steal the first peanut butter cup, and then we almost panicked when we couldn't find a second one for Katy. The excavation began -- but it's ok, we found another one! It was heaven on earth.

All together, quite a fantastic evening -- and it wasn't accompanied by the usual mass chaos that follows us whenever we try to make anything! Maybe all of the chaos was expended in the morning, when we made empanadas with some fellow extranjeros from our university. But that's another story! In the meantime...

I've still got half a tub of ice cream waiting for me in the freezer.


  1. Ree-siz. Definitely. Though my roommate calls them Ree-sees...
    And can I just tell you how much I love this post? Because I do :)

  2. Ree-siz. I have been asking around and I haven't actually been able to find anyone here that says Ree-sees. Anyway, all of this is irrelevant because we have the resources to answer this conundrum... youtube!
    In the 80's and 90's Reese's ran their "there's no wrong way to eat a Reese's" advertisement campaign. That provides us with plenty of video evidence of the correct pronunciation. Just watch any of these old commercials which clearly use the ree-siz pronunciation. which confirms that there are, in fact, wrong ways to SAY Reese's (though you may continue to eat them however you wish).


  3. Mei Cheng: I thought you might like this one :) Haha I always know which ones will be your favourites, because they're always the weird ones (and also the ones that are the most fun to write!) :)

    Zach: I tried to find the Reeses commmercials on youtube, and the internet stopped working. So I'm taking that as a sign that ree-sees is still legitimate (although I'm still definitely planning on eating them however I want, as often as I want, as soon as I get home!)
