Friday, January 11, 2013

The Adventure of NOT Destroying the House

To travel would be an awfully Big Adventure.

Planning is exciting, and travelling is an Adventure. Unfortunately, waiting is the inevitable pain-in-the-rump intermediate step, one that I tend to struggle with. As many of my friends have found out over the years, I’m not very good at waiting. I get impatient, and if you give me enough time, I come up with really absurd projects to pass the time (see my freshman year photo album on Facebook). Given that I will not be travelling to Chile until the end of February, well, I’ve got quite a bit of time.

In order to keep myself from going crazy (and to keep my parents from prematurely kicking me out of the house), I’ve come up with a list of things to do while I’m at home. Mind, this list is far from complete (actually, I came up with it about ten minutes ago) and I may or may not actually end up doing any of these things. But it kept me occupied for a good ten minutes, and hey, maybe some of these things will serve as a replacement for re-arranging all of the kitchen cupboards next week. 

  • Practicing Arabic

I actually audited a test-run Arabic class last year, and I have the CDs and textbooks from that class. I figure now is as good a time as ever to bring my Arabic alphabet up to scratch!

  • Learn calligraphy

I’m not a very artistic person. Actually, one might even say I’m painfully bad at drawing and...well, visual arts in general. Some of my Pictionary sketches have nearly reduced my best friend to tears (well, we can’t all go to art school). But I figure, learning calligraphy is just like learning to imitate fancy writing, so it can't be that bad, right? Right?

  • Practice origami

By practice, mostly I mean learn origami in the first place. Cheap supplies, lots of internet help – definitely something that could keep me occupied for a few hours. 

  • Learn to knit

I’ve actually tried to learn to knit before, and for whatever reason it’s really painful to me (physically, not emotionally). My knuckles get really mad at me, and overall whenever I’ve tried to knit it ends up being a very short lived endeavor. But the last time I tried was a few years ago, so maybe the time is ripe for another go!

  • Duct tape crafts

I’m not actually sure what this would entail – I saw a book about it somewhere, sometime. But we do have a lot of duct tape! Anyway, duct tape is pretty amazing stuff, so any duct tape craft is guaranteed to be pretty awesome, even given my lack of artistic ability. At least that’s what I’m telling myself. 

  • Practice juggling
            I really do need the practice. 

  • Learn yoga

I am quite interested in learning yoga – if I can, I’d like to take a class next year. But in the meantime, I may as well look up some poses online and give it a whirl! It looks like a lot of fun, and it fits right in with the next activity.

  • Exercise
Because, let’s be honest, I could use it. I am climbing a few times a week, but a little cross training never hurt anyone!And it's a good way of getting rid of some pent-up energy. 

This is just a quick list of some of the more interesting options I have available. Actually, that's not true. This is a quick list of options that I might actually follow through with. There are always things like creating the world's largest rubber band ball, hunting down bears, learning to live in the wild, creating recipes using only materials found in my backyard, learning to play the flugelhorn, or  handmaking soap. And who knows, maybe I will pick up the flugelhorn! But for now, I think I'll stick with yoga.

If you have anything you would like to add to my list, by all means let me know! I am open to all suggestions (well, within reason). Maybe I’ll set up a challenge for myself, or something – you send me ideas, I show you the results of that idea. Hmm, that’s a possibility…well, I’ll keep you updated!

I can’t wait to update you on my exciting Chilean adventures – but in the meantime, I hope you have fun reading about the Adventures of Becca trying to entertain herself for the next month and a half!

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